Where Do I Find Stuff in GA4?

How to get your important stats back.

Now that we have had a little time to get passed the setup phase of the new GA4 Analytics. It’s time to address reporting. We have been getting a lot of questions about how to find information in the new interface. We can’t put off any longer digging into the reporting side of GA4.

This month we will start by finding some of the basic metrics with their new labels and new numbers. Then look at how to pull some reports that would be helpful to you and finish by looking at a couple of third party tools. Tools that will make pulling reports easier.

We have been rehearsing for this broadcast and making all kinds of reports. We have found a lot of data surprises along the way and we will be sharing those with you tomorrow. Don’t forget to download the handouts before the broadcast. We have a bonus handout with step-by-step instructions on how to build 3 new reports we will demo.

Here is what we will cover:

  • What Website Numbers Do I Need to Know?
  • How do I find them in GA4?
  • How can I pull regular reports on these numbers?

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