Being Thankful for a Good Website

2023 saw a lot of change in business websites. Just for starters. We had the rise of AI content. The move to GA4. This fall we had a series of Google Core Updates that are causing a stir. This year we really saw the results of the attention we have paid to our website. Still so much more to do in the new year.

One unexpected trend we saw at Cybervise this year was the issue of scalability. A lot of our projects focused around fixing existing websites. Making them easier for the staff to add content and update existing content. Most of the time you would not even notice the site had changed by looking at it. But the functionality behind the scenes was a major switch. You would think that in 2023 where WordPress is the most popular website platform, this would be a given. But yes, there are still web developers out there making sites that do not allow the owners to update them.

Who is website thankful?

Anyone who knows that their business website is essential to their organization is website thankful. It’s a great feeling to find many email notifications in your inbox from your website. We have met some great new customers through our website. Customers we would have never met using on the ground tactics.

As our content gets more search visibility, our ability to reach more customers grows. I know that time spent on improving content is not busy work and we will see the benefits. Every time we hunker down and focus on our own website we see the payoff.

What if you can’t imagine “website thankful”?

If you are not feeling very thankful for your website right now, how do you get there? Make a website plan for 2024 and start with these items.

  1. Speed – Everyone hates a slow website. The visitors who come to it. The editors who are trying to update the content. The customers trying to complete a sale. Do what you need to do to get the site faster. Get a new hosting vendor. Forget about the large long playing video on the homepage. Fast websites get used more often.
  2. User Engagement – Do visitors like your website? We now have new metrics in GA4 for User Engagement. To fix this, you will need to do testing. There are several issues that could be causing low engagement. It could be your navigation. It could be your content or even the content formatting. Or the call to action you offering is not something visitors want. Change one item, look at your metrics and keep tweaking until you see improvement. It will be worth it. It is only common sense that a website people like to use is one that will generate business.
  3. Give everything a little polish – You don’t need an overhaul to make a difference. Freshen up the items on your site that have been sitting there for awhile. Search your content for old dates. Update content where it makes sense. Delete items that are no longer relevant or past dates. Replace the same old customer reviews with new ones. Try a new photo on key pages. Visitors will notice signs of fresh information. Google will give you credit for fresh information. And then once you do a first pass on the website, don’t let it go so long next time. Start making freshness a routine website activity.

Signs Your Website is on the Right Track

You know you are on the right track with your business website if:

  • Updating your website is part of your routine.
  • Your biggest source of leads is your website.
  • The quickest way to communicate to your customers is by posting on the website.
  • Customers quote your website to you.
  • New product launches always include website content as a step in your process. You wouldn’t launch something new without it.
  • High quality content brought you new business opportunities this year.

What if you can’t imagine “website thankful”?

Now is the time. Start thinking about next year and what your website could become. Create a list of all the problems you are having with your website. Ask yourself what would you really like from your website? Dream big and make a plan and budget for 2024.

Need help?
Check out our webinar archives and our website strategic plan. Then if you still need some help, sign-up for a Free Consultation and we can help you plan.