Website Accessibility – Opening your Website to the World

Website Accessibility Testing is a dynamic process. You need a human, not a plugin.

Automated website accessibility tests are a great starting point. A great place to start for business owners to eliminate accessibility barriers. Experts agree that automated web accessibility tests only check 20-30% of WCAG criteria. Which means you might be missing 70-80% of issues!

Evaluating a website’s accessibility is a dynamic process. It requires the human touch. It is the best way to truly determine if some of the more complex WCAG success criteria are met.

If you are one of the website owners who think they installed a plugin and they have it covered. We are about to set you straight.

Here is what we will cover:

  • What automated tools can and cannot do. Pros and Cons of the automated tools.
  • WCAG Criteria that need a hybrid manual-auto testing approach. Criteria that need both automated and human review for an accurate evaluation.
  • Accessibility tests that cannot be automated. Learn about the manual tests that are crucial to a complete accessibility assessment.

**** DISCLAIMER ****

This presentation is for educational purposes only. This broadcast is not intended to be legal advice. This webinar will not cover all WCAG success criteria or violations. Please consult with a legal professional to determine your website’s accessibility requirements.

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