The Business of Websites in the New Year

Preparing your site for the new year.

Website success year to year requires upgrades and follow through. Many of you will find yourselves beginning to cement a website formula or strategy. A strategy that creates website performance and benefits for your business.

This year will be the year of Focus, Trust and Intent. Create a website strategy based on these three themes.

This month we are going to talk about business decisions needed for your website. If you feel like you are no where close to a cement formula, we will talk about how to get there.

Already predictions are forecasting a turbulent year. What can we focus on to ride out the waves of changes? Is trust at the root of your website’s issues? You will hear a lot of talk about User Intent. Why?

Our discussion will include what issues to cover in your website plan and where to spend your money.

Here’s what we will cover:

  • Components of a Website Strategic Plan
  • How Trust and Intent will Impact Website Performance
  • Where to Focus your Website Budget

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Additional Reading:

Original Broadcast: January 24th, 2020


Everyone is predicting a rocky year for websites. To ride out the rocky times where we have little control, the key will be a solid foundation. Web pages you can count on wher you can predict performance. Less effected by wild things happening online.

To get to that solid foundation, we need a plan.

Our program will not necessarily give you the nuts and bolts of an entire website plan. But encourage you to start thinking about creating a plan. Instead of reacting all that’s going on in the news right now.

A solid foundation for your website consists of webpages you can count on to drive business. Pages you use on an ongoing basis and help grow your business. This plan will include three major areas. You will want technical improvements, content improvements and traffic generation in your plan. We will also address the hot topics happening right now. Then give you some ideas of how the three major parts of your plan with interact the hot topics.

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